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Writer's pictureGeoff Sheldon

Southourne - a day out!

On a beautiful July day (11th to be exact) a coachload of Burpham Bowling Club members boarded a coach for a trip to the seaside. Southbourne in fact just up the coast from Bournemouth.

The purpose of our trip was to be one of the 30 (yes 30!) clubs to visit the resident Southbourne Bowling Club each year.

We arrived at around 11am and dispersed in search of refreshments.

The Bistro on the Beach soon proved a favourite stop for a late breakfast or at least a cup of coffee. And of course a cooling paddle (just me then?)

Soutbourne Bowling Club is located in a public park which is dominated by a Grade II listed former water tower. It has two rinks and enjoys the use of an attractive pavilion which has a resident cafe providing refreshments for the bowlers and their visitors.

Rested paddled and refreshed we headed back towards the club using the water tower as our landmark. With over 40 of us we easily occupied both rinks and managed a comfortable win - but that's not the point.

The Southbourne members were very sociable and excellent company. After a relaxing meal and a few drinks we piled back on board the coach and headed for home.

The swindle was won by Ron Belcher who managed to guess the exact number of shots played by both teams. On reflection perhaps I'm glad I didn't win that!

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