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4 Feb  25 External comps entries now avaiable in BLOGS

18 Jan 25 Our trip to Dorset Bowls resort - click here for report

12 Jan 25 Cttee minutes of 7 Jan now in members area

24 Dec 24 Revised Guide to Bowling in Members area

17 Dec 24  Cttee and bowling cttee minutes of 9 Dec now in Members area

31 Oct 24  Club finals and club lunch photos here 

30 Oct 24 Revised Club Match system guidance

26 Sept 24 Social calendar 2024- 25 now available here

12 Sept 24 Final report, results and photos from the Club Comps finals available here

5 Sept 24 Club competitions results and photos here

16 July 24 Link to BLOG added below and in Members area menu

19 May 24 Sale of used bowls on For Sale page

16 Mar 24 See blog for Club Match system

                     READ OUR GUIDE TO BOWLING HERE

Minutes of committee meetings now available in Members' page

 Guildford Dragon
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Check who may be using the clubhouse before you go


Guildford Community Lottery! 


If your payment or direct debit has expired you can renew it online or on 01483 338885

You have to be in it to win it so let's try to get our ticket count back up.  If you haven't signed up yet what are you waiting for?? 

Click on the lottery logo below.

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Sir Francis Drake famously finished his game of bowls at his local Plymouth Hoe club before nipping off to defeat the Spanish Armada in 1588.   Burpham Bowling Club was established a little later in 1990.  It is a mixed club, one of the largest the Guildford area.  New members from beginner to experienced are always welcome.  


We have our own clubhouse, with licensed bar in Sutherland Memorial Park and free parking.  Our green is maintained to a high standard by Guildford Borough Council and our clubhouse has underwent a major refurbishment in 2021..


Our season runs from April to September.  We take part in a variety of competitions at regional, county and national levels.  We also have an extensive programme of mixed league and friendly matches against other clubs in the area.  And there are programmes of men's and ladies' matches.  

We also have a programme of internal club competitions every year, and casual club matches (i.e. roll-ups) when members can simply turn up for a friendly game of bowls in the company of other club members both new and old.  

Membership is available to playing and non-playing members and we have a very active social programme in the clubhouse throughout the winter months.  We have good links with the local community - for more information see the About Us section.


If you'd like to try bowls we can help you to get started and quickly enjoy bowling at Burpham Bowling Club.  Free tuition is available to new bowlers from our in-house qualified coaches.  You can also join as a non-playing member and enjoy our club's social side.


You are very welcome to browse the website and visit the club.  If bowls was a good enough game for Sir Francis Drake.....???




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